• Why do we need inclusive workplaces?

    Naureen's inspiration in her own words:

    "Throughout most of my life, I often felt like an outsider. From being born in a country where I didn't belong ethnically to attending a high school where I was seen as the foreigner. It wasn't until I enrolled in hotel school that I discovered where I truly belonged. This realisation opened my eyes to the beauty of diversity and how various cultures, genders, and backgrounds can unite and thrive together.


    Carrying this belief into my professional journey, I took pride in creating inclusive multicultural teams as I advanced in leadership. It was crucial for me that everyone felt valued, included, and had a voice.


    Over the last four years, while delving into gender dynamics and navigating the hospitality industry as a woman, the key to driving change consistently circled back to fostering inclusion. Studies have revealed that when individuals are encouraged to be authentic, bring their true selves to work, and operate in an environment that embraces diverse perspectives, it leads to increased success and profitability in business.


    I am passionate about motivating organisations to cultivate and nurture inclusive environments in their workplaces. This transformation is a process that must permeate every level of the company, from managerial positions to the highest echelons, to embed it into the organisational culture.


    Drawing from my personal journey, I have developed three programs that mirror a leader's evolution in the professional realm. We all begin somewhere, but our growth doesn't stop there. As we progress, acquiring new skills becomes essential.


    I view my role as a coach to inspire and empower you as an inclusive leader. Whether you are at the start of your career or further along, let's have a conversation to identify your current needs and aspirations."

  • Leadership Programs

    Depending on where you are on your career journey, find the program that best suits your needs.

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    Group Coaching for Inclusive Leaders

    Next group coaching will start in September 204.

    To find out more you can sign up for the free group coaching in July.

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    New Manager Program

    Have you just become a manager for the first time and don't know what to do? Trust me you are not alone, because I felt the same way as you.

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    Signature Leadership Program

    As you advance in your career and grow in experience, it is time to learn about yourself as a leader.

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    Inspired Leaders Program

    How are you inspiring your team, the industry and the next generation of leaders.