Inspire Inclusive Leadership - Podcast
Your host Naureen, will share topics on this podcast on inclusion, leadership, gender balance, belonging, coaching and much more.
Launch Episode
In this episode your host Naureen Ahmed, shares with you her inspiration to launch this podcast - Inspire Inclusive Leadership.
She shares with you her own journey of finding a place of belonging.How she brought this mindset to her professional career and was motivated to cultivate and nurture inclusive environments in the workplace.
To inspire us all for a gender balanced world and change the make up of our leadership in the next five to ten years.
Here is the link to where you can download the free guide on the 9 things you need to know to become an inclusive leader.
How you will experience me as your coach - 'Inspiring Activator'
In this episode you host Naureen, talks about her coaching style - Inspiring Activators.
Her brand signature is 'inspiration' and she shares how this has intertwined into all the work that she does.
Starting with examples from her entrepreneurial journey and her corporate career.
She dives into more details of the people she has coached. How she has inspired them to gain clarity and deeper insights. From that she then invites you to take action. And how the actions taken lead to confidence.
Through her coaching Naureen creates a safe space for exploration and inspires you to take action.
© 2024